
New businesses have to deal with many legal and economical issues in order to become successful in the Puerto Rican markets. It is well known that Puerto Rico offers some of the most protective and robust labor laws for employees within all of the States and Territories of the United Sates of America. Consequently, it is paramount for any new business to develop an effective labor plan that complies with local statute and provides the business with complete administrative control of their operation. An effective labor plan will also serve to sustain a complacent and content workforce, which is ultimately the most effective way to avoid labor unions. 

For more than thirty (30) years, the attorneys at Pizarro & González have provided new businesses with the legal advice and support needed to strive in this tough labor environment.

Strike Management:

Our attorneys understand the many labor specific issues that affect the normal operations of any business. We are aware that workplace crisis are unpredictable and could arise at any moment. Standing above most crisis are labor strikes, which could adversely affect the productivity, profit potential, and reputation of any business. In the event that a labor union chooses to conduct strikes or pickets, our firm has the expertise to develop a practical and effective operational plan that will diminish any negative effects of such labor actions, and pave the way for a peaceful resolution to any labor dispute.