Reminder regarding Workplace Harrassment Protocol

March 17, 2022

As we informed you a few months ago, last February 3, 2021, the Guidelines on Workplace Harassment in the Private Sector in Puerto Rico ("Guidelines") were approved. In these Guidelines, private employers were granted a term of one hundred and eighty (180) days for the adoption and implementation of the protocols and their due dissemination in the workplace.

This term is about to expire on August 2, 2021. We remind you that by that date you must have implemented the required protocol to be in compliance with Law No. 90 of August 7, 2020 and the Guidelines.

Should you need assistance in the creation or revision of the Protocol or would like to coordinate an orientation for your management team or employees on the provisions of Law 90-2021, Pizarro & González will be pleased to assist you.

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